Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sausage Roll

 One of the gifts my mother-in-law gave me when Donnie and I were married was a recipe box containing laminated recipe cards of his favorite menu items. Over the course of our marriage, I've done a lot of supper experiments, but he always appreciates my return to his favorites.
  The in-laws had us over tonight for supper (a kitchen night off, yeah!) and Jane served one of the favorites: sausage roll. Yum.
It is a recipe worth sharing. Please do not ask for nutritional information. I don't want to know. ;)

Sausage Roll
1 thawed loaf of frozen bread dough
1 pkg ground, browned sausage
motz cheese amount determined by personal preference or calorie guilt
Spread the bread dough out onto a greased cookie sheet (or if you're really lazy like me, line the sheet with aluminum foil). Sprinkle ground sausage and motz cheese, roll jelly roll style and bake at 350 until   lightly browned.
Again I say, YUM. Added bonus, this recipe freezes well. Fried 'taters a wonderful side dish. Enjoy.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mess of the Day #09242012

GROSS OUT WARNING: This post is for all the parents of potty training/trained children who can relate to the phase of aaalllmmmooossst made it to the potty. You get the gist and you have been warned.
Backstory: Fruitloops cereal goes into my children in all sorts of fun bright colors and exits as a very bright green. Weird, huh? I'm still not convinced they don't do something scary to their insides but anyway...Eva had a great big bowl of the stuff for breakfast.
Fast forward 12 hours, enter "almost made it" episode while the girls were getting ready to shower. I went into to check on them and found what I thought was green paint all over the floor. Not so much.
To quote one of my favorite Friend's lines delivered by Joey: Eww Eww Eww.
Years from now Eva will disown me forever when she learns I posted such a picture, but I'm telling you, that shade of green is pretty impressive.