Another garage sale fantastically free find. This little gem was in the freebie box, looked over by the other shoppers due to it's 70's plasti-wood appearance. I rescued it, used some mid-grit sandpaper to rough up the smooth finish to prep the surface to take paint, then used an old toothbrush and some Lysol to remove the years of dust from the creases and let it dry.
I wanted to really emphasize the great detailing, so I bypassed a paintbrush and went straight for an old sock. That's right, my paint applicator of choice is an old sweat sock. Inside out, all those little nubbies really work great for rubbing paint over the detailing. Not into the detailing, or I would lose the contrast. The cheap Walmart craft paint works great. Allow to dry well between coats; you'll need at least 2 coats.
Using the glass as a template, cut a piece of foam core board to fit and cover with fabric. I used glue stick to the front of the board to keep the fabric smooth, then wrapped the edges around to the back and secured with tape. Then I put push pins along the top at a 45 degree angle for hangers.
See? Ugly is only paint deep. See my previous post to see a pinterest post using this same frame.
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